About This Directory
The West Kootenay Contractors and Trades Directory is a product of KS Perry Publishing, located in Kaslo BC, Canada. We are most known for our publication, the Pennywise – Community Shopping News. As well, we produce the Go & Do (Stay & Play) Regional West Kootenay Visitor Magazine, and the Visit Kaslo & Area Guide, and the Central Kootenay Farm & Food Directory.
Obviously, we LOVE the Kootenays and we are committed to connecting the community and local business’s. Bringing buyers and sellers together is our business, and we’re really good at it having done it for almost 50 years!
The idea for this Online Directory is simple, through a quick search people will be able to find the Contractor they need available in their area. The individual listings will show essential information about the business, including pictures, website links, contact information, and even testimonials.
If you know of a business that should be listed, please share this website with them and have them give us a call!